
Without having ever had any previous artistic training, I discovered the art of sculpture rather late in life (at the end of 2012), and this simply by accident.

Even in my wildest dreams I had never considered that I could one day have a hobby in the arts' field.  Then, unexpectedly, one day I found myself touching clay, and this was the revealing moment when my hands immediately felt the need to work and shape it.

I started with terracotta but very quickly I felt bridled and met the limits of this material.  After several tests this new tactile experience naturally led me to develop a set of more personal materials. During this research time I was able to refine my style as well as devote my time to beauty and feminine grace.

My statues are currently built on a metallic frame which I then dress with an assembly of various products which give them their final shape.  They are then tinted, painted, varnished and polished.  Occasionally depending on my inspiration, I feel the need to add new elements such as wood, stone or fabric. 


 Permanent Exhibition : Art Valley Gallery



Jehan Versluys 

Creation from A to Z of a statue "JV". Click here.